Comprehensive Wealth Management

Live the Life of Your Dreams with Help from Navigoe’sWealth Management Professionals

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”


Wealth Management = Investment Management + Tax Mitigation + Estate Planning + Professional Coordination

Investments are like the wind that pushes you to your goal, but poor planning and execution will lead you adrift. That’s why advanced tax and estate planning coupled with coordination between other professionals are critical aspects of our ongoing relationships with you. Here is how Navigoe’s comprehensive wealth management services and team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS can help you determine your destination and the best way to get there.


  • Asset allocation

  • Risk management

  • Tax location

  • Cash flow planning


  • Financial planning

  • Tax management

  • Estate planning/wealth transfer

  • Asset protection/insurance


  • Managing day-to-day wealth management tasks

  • Coordinating all the professionals who help design and implement your financial plan, consult on your investments and stay on track.

Our Approach to Wealth Management

Before our team charts your course, we engage in a thorough discovery process to understand your most important financial goals, as well as other desires along the way. Even after setting sail, we advise you when it’s time to change course or stay on path when it’s time to rev the engines or patiently await fair winds.

Our customized wealth management process is designed to guide you through every financial decision so you can live the happy, healthy, comfortable life you’ve always dreamed of.


Wealth management is more than managing your finances, getting a return on your investment or reducing taxes. It’s an ongoing process of discussion, consultation and complete integration of your entire financial life. As your financial navigator, we are by your side to answer your unique financial questions every step of the way.


As your financial fiduciary, Navigoe is legally responsible for putting your needs ahead of ours. Our independent status means we never sell products, represent outside firms or receive commissions or referral fees. Simply put, when you work with us, you get our best advice, free from the conflicts of interest that permeate most of the financial advice industry.


For over 25 years, Navigoe and its predecessor firms have guided clients through every economic peak and valley, from the dot-com era and Y2K, to the housing bubble, three major market crashes, the Great Recession and a pandemic. With our unique approach to wealth management and academically sound investment discipline, there’s no challenge we can’t help you conquer.

Other Services


Protect and grow your wealth with a partner who carefully manages your portfolio, minimizes risk and maximizes returns.

Learn more ➞


Develop an integrated tax strategy to minimize taxes over your lifetime and beyond.

Learn more ➞


Work with a partner who can help develop an estate plan that represents your financial legacy and continues your financial plan.

Learn more ➞

Take the Next Step in Your Financial Journey

Get in touch to tell us more about your plans and see if we are the right co-captain for you.

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